Can't decide which coffee is for you? No problem, we'll send you our top three recommended roasts -- Colt Following French Roast, Inhognito Dark Roast and Deja Moo Breakfast Blend to get you started!
Colt Following French Roast: A classic, dark roast for that bold, strong cup of coffee that lingers. Start your day or end your meal with a cup of this beloved, big-body coffee.
Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Spice, Toasted Sugar
Inhognito Dark Roast: When coffee is roasted to this depth the natural sugars found in the coffee begin to caramelize, imparting a cane sugar sweetness and aroma. Created as a drip coffee this coffee boasts a fudge-like body, low acidity, a persistent roasty aftertaste and characteristics of a sweet stout.
Tasting Notes: Dark Fruit, Baker's Chocolate
Deja Moo Breakfast Blend: As soon as you take your first sip you will be met with a creamy body and delightful sweetness that lasts through the finish. Find hints of chocolate and dried fig notes in this well-rounded and subtly complex coffee.
Tasting Notes: Maple, Chocolate, Nuts