How to Make Your Vegan Coffee Taste Delicious

How to Make Your Vegan Coffee Taste Delicious

Grocery stores and restaurants have created options for people that are vegan to support their lifestyle. But what are these options, and how do they fit into a vegan lifestyle?

If you're interested in learning more, then keep reading as we will guide you through making the vegan version of one of the most common drinks in America: coffee.

Don't Give Up Your Coffee.

It's reported that 64% of Americans drink coffee every day. As such, coffee is a staple in many people's mornings to wake them up and get them ready for an early morning workout or work meeting. But how does this affect you if you're vegan?

If you're trying to move into a vegan lifestyle, your diet will have to shift. This is an adjustment to your routine and your body.

For starters, you have to cut out certain food groups when you become vegan:

  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Seafood
  • Dairy
  • Butter
  • Ghee
  • Lard
  • Schmaltz

You can incorporate many fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and many delicious vegan snacks to make up for food you need to eliminate.

One of the staple drinks, coffee, is not something you have to give up if you go vegan. Coffee can still be a staple in your morning routine, prepping you for the day ahead. 

However, you want to make sure that any coffee recipes you have don't include dairy. You will want to double-check ingredients to be safe, but the good news is that coffee itself is vegan.

Fluffy Cow Coffee has a great vegan recipe for medium and dark roast and decaf coffee. You can check out the medium roast and its excellent reviews and see for yourself. 

How to Make Vegan Coffee

Coffee itself is vegan, but you want to ensure recipes contain ingredients that are vegan as well. For example, you want to make sure there aren't dairy products in the coffee recipe you're trying out. 

You can add alternative dairy options and vegan creamers if you want to add flavor to your coffee. Almond, coconut, and oak milk are delicious dairy alternatives that you can add to your regular or iced vegan coffee to make it taste even better.

Some people may ask, "Is Coffee-mate vegan?" This type of creamer isn't certified vegan; however, you can purchase creamer made from soy, almond, and coconut or make it at home. 

You can also make creamer in the standard store flavors, such as vanilla, hazelnut, and almond. This allows you your morning coffee routine while enjoying the same added tastes.

An Easy Start to Veganism

It may feel challenging to start cutting out foods when you become vegan, but thankfully you don't have to sacrifice your morning routine. Coffee is vegan, and there are many alternative dairy options you can still add for flavor.

From milk alternatives, such as almond or oat, to making a soy or coconut creamer from scratch, you can still enjoy added flavors to your vegan coffee with just as many options as before.

Fluffy Cow Coffee is committed to saving animals and the environment. You can learn more about our mission and our delicious vegan coffee recipes for your next morning pick-me-up.